
"At Home" Webinars

Lifelong Learning webinars are the perfect meeting place for W&L faculty, alumni, and guest expertise to gather for informed discussions of today’s issues.

Our webinars provide access for all members of the W&L community to share their thoughts from the comfort of their homes or offices. Enjoy them live or archived here at this site.

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Ukraine, Russia, EU, and Vladimir Putin

A timely webinar on the tragic war in Ukraine. Two distinguished professors with expertise in Russian and Eastern European history discuss Russia, Putin, and Ukraine.

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A series of interactive discussions by W&L faculty and alumni on the importance and complexity of sustainable development.

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Frontiers of Faculty Research

How do W&L faculty spend their summers and sabbaticals? Many of them pursue tough questions in hopes of saving our planet, promoting world peace, improving our health, and enhancing our understanding of history. Join us for an inside view of ongoing research into issues that sooner or later will affect us all.

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Truth, Opinion, and the News Media

A five-part series of interactive discussions by W&L faculty, guest faculty, and alumni on the news media today, the evolution and diversity of its platforms, the rise of advocacy journalism, and the evolving role of journalists in the pursuit of truth.

An image of keyboard keys spelling out bias

Prejudice, Discrimination and Anti-racism

A five-part series of interactive discussions by W&L faculty, guest faculty, and alumni on challenges facing racial relations in American society today.