Honors Program for Majors in French, Spanish and Romance Languages
The Department of Romance Languages would like all majors to consider participating in our honors program, by writing an honors thesis or completing an honors project with a member of our faculty. Through the honors program, majors engage in sustained original research with one or more departmental professors, all of whom are highly accomplished specialists in a variety of literary, cultural, and linguistic fields. From the medieval period to contemporary literature, linguistics, and current cultural themes, we are certain you will find a topic that excites and engages your curiosity and intellect.
Requirements for participation in the honors program are the same for French, Spanish, and Romance Languages majors: a 3.5 GPA in the major field. An honors thesis requires six credits beyond the major requirements. Applicants must have completed three 300-level courses in the major by the end of their junior year. Interested students should consult with their major advisor, although any professor in the department can provide guidance and serve as an honors advisor. A topic of interest should be finalized over winter term of the junior year. Once the topic is approved, students register for honors in the fall and winter terms of senior year.
An honors project allows students to explore topics of interest to them and conduct original research under the guidance of a departmental professor, here on campus or abroad. The honors program allows our best students an opportunity to research and write on a topic of interest to them and their advisers for two full semesters, an experience that compares favorably with and prepares students for the kind of inquiry and focus that are the hallmarks of a graduate education. The culmination of the honors process is an oral defense of the project before an audience of professors, students, and invited guests. Successful completion of the honors program confers a special honors status that includes public recognition at spring commencement, and a designation of graduation with honors in Spanish, French, or Romance Languages on the university transcript.
Completion of the honors program is an invaluable asset for applicants to graduate or professional school, as it demonstrates a willingness to challenge oneself to attain the highest honor in undergraduate education. We encourage all of our majors to consider the honors program, and we look forward to working with you. For more information simply contact a professor in the Department.